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AsiaPristontales - Registration Agreement Terms

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Welcome to AsiaPT, we hope that you enjoy your time here and more importantly continue to come back to visit. If you are here, you are trying to get a general idea of the rules of the forum and for that I tip my hat off to you. The first step to an enjoyable time on any site is being familiar with the rules of them. While different section of the forum will have additional rules, there are the universal rules that apply to the entire forum.1. ForumAsiaPT forum has a wide range of ages and it welcomes all of them. We want to make this a friendly environment that everyone can enjoy. Well here is a list of a few things that you should avoid while you are on AisaPT forums.The following things to avoid include:- Vulgar- Sexual Content. Being a generic pervert- Any form of intolerance/harassment because of religion, race, gender, etc. Discrimination is not allowed.- Illegal drug referencesThe above is for all aspects of the forum. Posts, Avatars, Signatures, etc~2. RespectRespect others if you want to be respected. Your fellow users deserve just as much respect as the staff. Each of you is a person, and although it’s easy to forget you are talking to another human being on the other end of this "internet RPG world." Keep that in mind when speaking to people. A general good rule of thumbs is to treat people the way you would want to be treated.Now, while the staff is not infallible, they are staff for a reason. Meaning, if they tell you that what you are doing is wrong, it probably is and you should stop. The staff knows what they are doing, and are only looking out for your best interest. Do not make their job harder by arguing with them over trivial matters.3.Do not FlameWe don't expect you to like everyone, but we do expect you to tolerate them. If you don't like a user or a staff member you don't have to interact with them, and so long as you aren't going out of your way to break rules, they won't bother you. Flaming users and staff members alike is prohibited. We're all here for fun, and that gives you no right to flame them. Speaking calmly and coherently to a person is much more effective then out and out telling them they are stupid/wrong. You'll only make enemies if you do this.4. a. Do Not SpamMaking a post in a thread that has no relevance to that specific topic is considered spam. We here at AsiaPT forums wish to keep the forum looking as professional and clean as possible. This means if you don't have anything to add to the conversation, don't say it. Also, be sure to [keep on topic] of the thread, if you don't it’s considered not relevant to the thread and therefore, spam. Before posting ask yourself the following questions:* Has this topic been addressed and fully answered somewhere else?* Am I contributing to the topic?* Is my post only consisting of things like "Cool, thanx" "Whoa, never noticed that" or the ever wonderful "What?" "I don't care." "Troll" "n00b" or "I agree." If it’s not helping the topic, its spam* Is this the correct section to post this thread in?Also, another side note to this topic. If your thread is closed, or deleted by any of the staff member, do not post it again. It was closed for a reason, reopening it is blatant disregard for the staff and will probably get you warned by the staff and possibly a ban if the subject is not dropped.b. Double PostingDouble posting is when you make a post directly after yours. This forum does not allow that. There is an edit button. You are expected to use it, therefore do so.c. Format SpammingRefrain from spamming text formatting/BBcode. This includes, but is not limited to CAPS, bold, underlining, and/or using obnoxious colors (i.e. hot pink, neon green).5. Refrain from giving out fake Personal Information in the Profile section. Either you give out real information, or you do not participate at all. If you think it's a dangerous thing to do, do not post. AsiaPT Forums will not be held liable for any damages that may occur from this exchange of information.6. Know the staff and the Rules of each sectionWhile this is universal for the forum, each section has its own protocol that is an addition to these rules. Now, Mods and Admins control this site, and keep it running swiftly and smoothly. Respect them, and do not argue with them. While they aren't always correct, they do know what they are doing, so it would be in your best interest to follow the rules and what they say. If you feel that there is corruptness, or unfair treatment and you have substantial proof, then bring it to an administrator and they will further the investigation, dealing with it according. 7. LanguageIn all public areas of the forum the language you are required to speak is English, Chinese or otherwise, Singlish. Our moderating staff cannot possibly know every language, and as such, cannot moderate any messages in languages they do not understand, to prevent harassment out of the moderators control, all other languages are only to be used in PM's.8. Unneccasry items/postsAny unneccasry things willbe deleted w/o notice.9. HacksHacks are 100% not allowed. Not in the forums nor the game. Anyone caught using hacks will be banned/blocked from the forums AND the games without notice. Please refrain from making AsiaPT and AsiaPT Forums unenjoyable.10. Underground Character TradingUCTs are not allowed in AsiaPT. Either you trade an account fair and square, or you don't trade at all. We do not allow real life money in any kind to be involved. If you really have the need of something , you can donate to AsiaPT and we will give you the item depending on its worth.11. BansAnyone who fail to comply with the rules shown above, warning will be given for the 1st time. If similar cases happen again, we will entitle you to maximum 2weeks of vacation.This will be updated frequently and I expect everyone in AsiaPT forums to read and agree to it.